In 1991, I was asked to write in the magazine 'Mayil' of Malaysia about the significance of Deepavali.
At that time, I wrote about the religion Jainism's connections with Deepalavali. That was the day that the last Theerthankara of Jainism - Vardhamana MahaVeera attained MahaKEvala - state of birthlessness.
The Jains all over India celebrate Deepavali grandly.
The present day Hindu Tamils, celebrate it as the day that SathyaBhama, the wife of Krishna killed Narakasura who happened to be her own son during the time when she was BhuumaaDevi.
The story related to this is found in KaaLika Purana which is a sub-purana - UpaPurana where it is a subsidiary story.
If Deepavali is a day connected to the killing of Narakasura in war with SathyaBhama and Krishna, then it would be considered as a Vaishnava festival. It would belong to the followers of MahaVishnu. As such it would rank with the other Vaishnava festivals such as Gokulashtami, SriRamaNavami, Vaikunda Ekadasi, Garuda Panchami, SathyaNarayana Viradham, etc. It would have been another Asura Samhara Festival.
Thus it would not have been recognised by the Saivars who happen to be the dominent and majority sect among the Hindus. It should be remembered that Saivism existed as a separate religion all the while, until the late 19th century.
But we see that the Saivars also celebrate the Deepavali.
Therefore the story connected with Narakasura massacre is just a concocted piece of fantasy.
Deepavali is the only festival which is universally celebrated by a very large number of Hindus from most areas of India. The Holi Festival which is celebrated in North india is not celebrated in Tamilnadu. The Pongal Festival of the Tamils is not celebrated by the Maharashtirans.. The Onam of Kerala is not known in other places. But Deepavali is celebrated overall by most Hindus in all parts of India. The Jains also celebrate it.
But each ethnic group has its own reason and story for Deepavali.
The majority or Hindus who celebrate Deepavali are celebrating to commemorate the avatar of SriDevi from the Ocean of Milk. That is, they celebrate it as the birthday of SriDevi.
In some other places, they celebrate it as the day that SriRama returned from exile.
In Hindu Cosmology, you will find Eras of time under various names. We have nodi, vinaadi, naalzigai, muhuurtham, jaamam, ahorathram, and day. This is known as 'siRu polzudhu'.
Then we have days, thithis, pakshams, Mandalam, months, years, maamaanggam, shashtiyabdhams, yugams, manvatharams, kalpams, etc.
MahaLakshmi takes an avatar each Manvanthara.
I have to explain what is a manvanthara.
The present Era is known as Kali Yuga. Its length is 432,000 years. Preceding it, there 3 more yugas called Kirutha Yuga, ThrethaYuga, and Dhvapara Yuga. Added with Kali Yuga, they are known as the Chathur Yuga. A Chatur Yuga is 4 million 320 thousand years in length.
These Chathur Yugas come in a recurring cycle.
72 Chathur Yugas make what is known as a Manvanthara. It is 311 million, and 40 thousand years in length.
14 Manvantharams make 1 kalpa kaalam. This is equivalent to 2354560000 human years.
This is considered as one daytime for Brahma. Brahma's night would follow which would last for another Kalpam. This is filled with what is known as a PraLayam.
Both of them constitute a Brahma's day.
That is 8709120000 human years.
Thus 360 of this make one Brahma's year.
100 of these years mae one lifetime of a Brahma.
That would be 3135283200000000 human years.
The Manvathram at present is known as Vaivasvatha Manvanthara. Each Manvanthra is presided over by one Manu. Manu is the progenitor of Man. The word Manushya and Man are derived from the name Manu. It is named after Vaivasvatha Manu. He is the son of Surya. Surya has 12 forms. They are known as the Dvadasa Adhithyas. One of the forms is known as Vivasvan. His son is Vaivasvatha Manu.

There is a very powerful Rishi known as Durvasa. He is known for his extreme anger, In his anger, he would cast curses and cause great hardships and damage.
He was doing a very intense Yagam. A divine garland appeared.
He took this to Indra, the Lord of the Devas.
At that time, Devendra was riding on a divine elephant.
The MahaRishi extended his arm with the garland.
By right, Indra should have got down from the elephant, fell at the feet of the MahaRishi, and very humbly received the garland.
But he did not do so.
He extended his Vajra Ayudham weapon and hooked the garland and took it.
The MahaRishi was ferocious.
He cast a curse, dispelling SriDevi away from Indra. Thus Indra lost all his prosperity. So all his and other people's prosperity vanished
So the Devas came together and thought hard about how to get back SriDevi.
They all found out that SriDevi would only appear in the Ocean of Milk.
They had to churn the ocean to get SriDevi to appear.
They got the cooperation of the Asuras who were the mortal enemies of the Devas.
They took the Manthra Mountain which was one of the Ashta Kula Parvathams. Then to use as the rope, they used Vasuki which was one of the eight Great Serpents - MahaNagas.
The Asuras held on to the head-end of the serpent. They had an anchor man who was the great warrior Kshatriya - KaarthaVeerjya Arjuna. He had thousand arms and was known as SahasraBahu. He was a great warrior who was the incarnation of the Chakra weapon - Sudharsana of MahaVishnu.

The tail-end was held by the great Vaali, who was the king of the Vanaras. He was the son of Indra. He was killed by SriRama, another avatar of Vishnu.

He was the other warrior who defeated Ravana.
The Mount Manthara began to sink because of the great weight.
Maha Vishnu took the form of a giant tortoise and went under the mountain and held it up with his back.
This was Kurma Avatara, another of Maha Vishnu's avataras.
When the churning was nearing completion several things apeared.
The first one was the Haalahaala poison. This was radiating very harmful irradiation and fumes so much so that the universe was affected greatly. It was under threat of extinction.
Siva held up His palm and all the poisonous fumes condensed as a drop in His palm. There was no place to throw it away.
So Siva simply swallowed it.
If the Haalahaala went into the belly of Siva, it would destroy the universe, because the universes were inside the belly of Siva in the Hyper Space. So the Goddess Uma, placed Her hand over the throat of Siva and stopped the Haalahaala from descending. It stopped short and stayed put within the throat of Siva. However it coloured the throat of Siva giving it a blue tinge.
Thus Siva became the Neela Kanta.
HaalaHaala was followed by Jyeshta Devi, the Elder Devi. After her, SriDevi who was the Adhi Lakshmi appeared.

Adhi Lakshmi went and joined MahaVishnu as His spouse. She also appeared as the Ashta Lakshmi and bestowed all sorts of prosperity to the worlds.
This occasion of the arrival of SriDevi was celebrated with lighted lamps.
It became the Festival of Deepavali.
Three days before Deepavali, the rakshasas, demons, and other evil beings and spirits would come to the Earth under the leadership of MahaBali, the Asura ruler of Patala - the under-world. They try to take over the world. The evil effects of Jyeshta Devi would also try to spread.
On the evening before Deepavali, Jyeshta Devi is dispelled and the denizens of the underworld and MahaBali are driven back to the Patala again with the help of rows and rows of lamps and fire-works. With that Jyeshta Devi's negative effects will be overcome.
The sending back of MahaBali and his hordes is happily celebrated.
On the evening of Deepavali Eve, Lamps are lighted in front of the entrance to the house after cleansing the floor, and adorning it with Kolams. Then SriDevi is worshipped.
On Deepavali day, just before pre-dawn hours, when the crescent moon rises, all the water in the earth will become Ganga Jala - Ganges water.
Goddess Ganga Devi undergoes Aavahanam in the waters.
The Goddess SriDevi appears in Gingelly oil.
So Gingelly oil is smeared over the body with the chanting of Lakshmi Manthra.

Then the Shikai Kaay powder is smeared and then with the chanting of the Manthras for Ganga Devi, the oil bath is taken and completed.
This is known as Ganga Snaanam. New clothes are worn.
Then a special pujai is done.
In traditional Tamil households, a padaiyal is put for the Kula Devathas.
Then sumptuous sweets and cakes are eaten together with kins. Elders are visited to pay respect.
In places like Orissa, it is customary to collect cow dung and other refuse. This will undergo chemical changes and in due course will become very good rich manure. The Orissans used to do pujai for this dung hill and offer worship to SriDevi.
In those days, it was beleived that SriDevi resides in cow dung heap, mud, etc. This beleif was prevalent even during Vedic times.
In the Vedas, it is mentioned that Kardhama, who is the Manasa Putra of SriDevi was born in the dung heap under the shadow of SriDevi.
One of the fifteen verses of SriSuktham which is dedicated to SriDevi says,
"Kardhamena prajaapuura mayi sambhva kardhama"
There are several places which are considered as the residential areas for SriDevi. One of them is the Lotus. Lakshmi has several names like Padma, Kamala, which mean Lotus. She also has some more associated names like Padma Hasta, Padmasani, PadmaMalini.

She is also associated with Gold and Silver.
HiranyavarNaam Harineen swarna rajath dhasrajaam
Chandraam hiranmayeem Lakshmeem jaathavEdho ma aavaha
Even the Moon and Shukra planet.
Hema Malini is also Her name.
SriSuktham is a Manthra Song of 15 verses which is found in Atharva Veda and Rig Veda. It contains 15 verses. It is very potent manthra packed with much power. There are some Malaysian priests who have made millions just by using its name 'SriSuktha Homam'.
It is that much powerful.
In Tamilnadu, the merchants and business men rather than the farmers who hold Deepavali in esteem and celebrate grandly.
We must dispell the effects of Muudevi and enhance the effects of SriDevi and celebrate Deepaval in SriDevi's honour, beseeching Her boons and blessings.