I am now writing what I read somewhere many years ago. May be some details might differ. But the general story is the same. King Kong and Dara Singh were great names in World Class Wrestling about 60 years ago. Both of them showed a mutual rivalry and hatred for each other. Their wrestling bouts were full of name-calling and abuse. Once, they had a match in Bombay. This wasorganised by the great showman, writer, novelist, activist, and film-maker - Chinna Annaamalai.
Just a few days before the scheduled fight in Bombay, Dara Singh and King Kong arrived in Bombay. It so happened that on one particular day, Dara Singh walked into a shop which was selling glassware, ornamental pieces, crockery, chandeliers, etc. He was inspecting some of the ware and asking the price.
It so happened that who else but King Kong sauntered into the very same shop. There he started using abusive language against Darah Singh. Darah Singh also gave back and the exchange became hotter and hotter. Suddenly King Kong landed a punch on Darah Singh. Darah Singh retaliated in kind. Pushing and pulling each other, they broke a lot of glasses. In fact King Kong started throwing some of them. Of course the shop keeper was howling in desparation. What else can he do? All this commotion drew a very big crowd. Who would not like to see Darah Singh-King Kong fight free of cost? Especially in a glassware shop in a very busy street? In down town Bombay?
Some of the onlookers stopped the fight. It so happened that Chinna Annamali was also one of the onlookers. He told fighting duo to settle their scores in the wrestling ring when their bout took place. And not in a shop like this. Very reluctantly they agreed. But still exchanging vulgar words and gestures. They then went their ways.
This incident was duly reported by all papers, most of which carried the story with headlines. Word spread like wild fire. Not only the Bombayites, but the people from afar off also came to see the match where Darah Singh and King Kong would settle their grudge. Tickets were sold out. But the crowd would not go back. So the people were crammed into the stadium as much as possible. Of course for the normal ticket fare. And the fight took place. It broke all records for a wrestling match box-office collection. The glassware shopkeeper was at the ring-side enjoying the fight for the second time. And he was grinning and beaming with all smiles. Why would'nt he? He had already been paid Rs.17000 for the broken glassware and the damages caused to the shop. This amount was more than the total damages. Because he had played his part very well. According to script. But then the organiser of the match had made many many many times more than he could ever have dreamt of.
Thanks to Chinna Annamalai.
If he had been around and if you had happened to have asked him, he would certainly have winked at you and said,
There is a special worship which can be done to Murugan. This has been prescribed by Devaraya SwamigaL, the author of Kandhar Shashti Kavacam. There are many people who do this on the sixth day of Kandhar Shashti as a special pujai. Devaraya SwamigaL has mentioned about it in his Kandhar Shashti Kavacam of Thiruchendur.
You can read/recite the whole Kandhar Shashti Kavacam 36 times.
According to the Thiruchendhur Kavacam - i.e. 2nd Kavacam -
The Kandhar Shashti Kavacam should be recited and meditated upon with the fullness of the mind, with oneness of mind, love for the Lord, without any trepidation of the mind, after cleansing the body, two times a day.
Those who perform this regular worship, can perform the special pujai of 'The Thirty-six Recitation' ritual. This is a prayOgam. Devaraya SwamigaL enumerates the boons and blessings that can be obtained through this performance.
"Those who recite 36 times and with affection and the vibhuthi, will get the following boons.......
Those who reside within the eight directions will fall within your power; the eight lords of the directions will do your bidding; your enemies will be subdued and subjected; the nine planets will be satiated and pleased and will give all the good; the reciter will attain beauty of form like a new manmathan - the Lord of Beauty and Love The reciter will live with sixteen pERu boons. Murugan's hand's vEl is the basis for the Kavacam. And if it is seen in the proper perspective and feeling, it stands out as the Divine Truth. If you look at demons and evil spirits, they will be scared out of their wits. It will crush evil people to dust. It will dance within the memories of good people.
Times have changed. Twice a day schedule has become difficult. Murugan is magnanimous.
If you want to do it, if you feel like doing it, if you feel the necessity, then please feel free to do it. When and where possible. It is the mind-set which matters most,
This can be done in front of a picture of Murugan or any Murugan sannidhi. Six-faced Murugan with VaLLi Deyvayaanai on a mayil with vEl is optimum.
Don't worry if you dont have a picture.
Just make the aavaahaNam within your mind. Remember......
manamE Muruganin mayil vaahanam'.
Light a small lamp. Uudhupaththi. A small utensil of water. Honey or panchamidham. Or anything that you can offer. Even plain sugar.
Take a small plate - brass or copper if possible. Spread some vibhuthi.
Write the aaRumuga chakkaram in it. (Two interlacing overlapping triangles).
Start from the top triangle and write the syllable 'sa'. Clockwise - 2nd triangle - 'ra' 3rd - 'ha' 4th - 'Na' 5th - 'ba' 6th - 'va' In the central hexagon write 'Om'
Take 36 flowers.
Start with a prayer to Vinayagar.
Think of Murugan as the MahaGuru. Chant within your mind, the Shataakshara(Shataatchara) 108 times - 'sarahaNabhava'. 'Om' before the manthra. (Note - its 'ha'). And also after the completion of the whole pujai.
Recite the Kandhar Shashrti Kavacam 36 times.
With each recitation place one flower in the chakkaram.
After completion, offer the honey as naivedhyam with a drop of water'. Deepaaraadhanai.
Offer the whole ritual to Murugan as 'samarppaNam' by putting a drop of water by the right side of the picture and the chakkaram.
The Vibhuthi that has undergone the 'uru' can be kept in a receptacle and used for whatever purpose throughout the year.
I was looking over a few of the old books that I have. It is one of the interesting and very relaxing of my pass-times. Especially when you have 5000 odd books and among them are rare and fantastic books. One of the books that I was browsing through was 'Reaping the Whirl Wind'. That is the caption of that book. There is a reason why it got that title and it has an interesting background. Vengence! This is one of the traits of the human being. Tit for Tat. Butter for Fat You kill my dog, I kill your cat. This is a famous ditty which has been in use for the past several hundred years. Describes and defines 'Vengence' in very simple words. In the history of mankind, there are so many instances of vengence taken by one party against another. How and why the parties exacted revenge, make very good stories. Some of the revengers had cultivated it as an art. I will explain how the above-mentioned book got its title. It was during World War II.
Germany was winning - already captured Poland, France, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine. England was isolated. Herman Goering the second man after Hitler, convinced Hitler that his airforce, the Luftwaffe could make Britain surrender. Instead of dropping bombs over the air fields, they dropped bombs over London. Britain nearly lost the war. The air-force chief Harris, rallied his forces and in the Battle of Britaindestroyed the Luftwaffe. Then he made a pledge, "They sowed the wind; they will reap the whirl wind". Thus started the bombing of the cities of Germany and its industrial centres day in day out. Germany was almost totally destroyed. So auther, Conelius Ryan took the phrase and used it as the title for his book.
One of the early historical instances of revenge takes us 2500 yearsto the kingdom of Magadha. At that time, it was ruled by the Nandha dynasty. They had actually usurped the kingdom from the Lineage of Chandragupta who was a direct heir to the throne. His father and all his brothers were treacherously murdered by the Nandhas. Chandragupta alone escaped. Kautilya alias Chanakya was a very learned Brahmin who was verypoor. He was going through a forest and he was very hungry. There was a hunting lodge belonging to the Nandhas. Chanakya went in there and occupied a seat and started eating. At that time, the Nandhas came inside from a hunting expedition,They got angry at seeing a filthy scrawny emaciated Brahmin in dirtyclothes, sitting in their seat and eating their food. One the Nandhas jerked him to his feet, dragged him outside andthrew him into the dust. In the process of being chucked out, Chanakya's hair knot became unwound and his hair fell to his shoulders. Chanakya took a wrathful oath that he will not tie his hair knot until he had destroyed the Nandhas. Then he went away in a gust. But then a grass caught the web of his toes and tripped him. Chanakya flew into a frenzy of rage, bent down, plucked the grass with its root, crushed it with his palms and rubbed it over his body. All this happening was being carefully watched secretly by Chandragupta. Chandragupta befriended Chanakya and Chanakya drew out the blue-print for the destruction of the Nandhas and made use of Chandragupta. After accomplishing it, he made Chandragupta as emperor of the Magada and thus the Maurya dyansty came into being. Chanakya became his prime minister and raja guru and drew up the administration of the Mauryan Empire and went on to write out a treatise about the Art of Politics, Administration, Jurisprudence, and King-craft. And that, my dear chaps, is..... The famous Artha Sastra of Kautilya or Kautilyam.
Chathurthi is a thithi which is auspicious in the worship of Vinayaka. There are two thithis in a month - one is Shukla Paksha Chathurthi - that which comes during the vaLarpiRai or waxing moon period. The other is KrushNa Paksha Chathurthi - that which comes during the waning moon period. Sankatam or Shankashtam stands for a state of serious problems - all types of problems which cause great distress which will make the mind and body suffer a great deal. There would be no way that a person can act in any way to overcome that state. Vignam stands for obstacles, impediments, disruptions, interruptions, and such like. If they are there, the afflicted person can try all means to overcome them. He can still put up a fight or try - whether win or lose. But in the case of Sankatam, the afflicted person just cannot move in any way in any direction because of severe mental distress and the bodily fatigue that accompanies together with depression, insomnia, inactivity, panic syndrome, fear, mental exhaustion, tension, stress and such like. Vinayakar in the form of Sankatahara Ganapathi/Sankata Naasana Ganapathi will make a person overcome the sankatam. That is why He is called Sankatahara Ganapathi. 'Hara' is dispelling something. SankataHara dispells Sankatam. There are Viradhams for the observance of monthly Sankatahara Chathurthi. The month of Maasi is the 11th Solar month of the Hindu Solar year. The Sankatahara Chathurthi which falls in the month of Maasi is special. If it falls on a Tuesday, it is extra-ordinarily special and auspicious. It is known as Maha Sankatahara Chathurthi. When we think of Sankatam, Gary Cooper in the movie High Noon comes to the mind. Gary Cooper depicts the Sankatam extremely well. In my website - VISVACOMPLEX.COM, you can read up about Sankatahara Chathurthi, Sankatanaasana Gnapathi and His worship -
Om Sri Vakra Thuntaaya namah Om Sri Eka Dhanthaaya namah Om Sri KrushNa Pinkakshaaya namah Om Sri Gaja Vakthraaya namah Om Sri LambhOdharaaya namah Om Sri Vikataaya namah Om Sri Vigna Raajaaya namah Om Sri Dhuumra VarNaaya namah Om Sri Paala Chandhraaya namah Om Sri Vinayakaaya namah Om Sri GaNapathayE namah Om Sri Gajaananaaya namah
Om Sri Shankashta Naasana GaNapathayE namO namah Om Sri Siddhi Buddhi Vallabhaa SamEdha SriShakthi GanapathayE namO namah $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$