Monday 17 February 2014



    Chathurthi is a thithi which is auspicious in the worship of Vinayaka.
There are two thithis in a month - one is Shukla Paksha Chathurthi - that which comes during the vaLarpiRai or waxing moon period. The other is KrushNa Paksha Chathurthi - that which comes during the waning moon period.
    Sankatam or Shankashtam stands for a state of serious problems - all types of problems which cause great distress which will make the mind and body suffer a great deal. There would be no way that a person can act in any way to overcome that state.    
    Vignam stands for obstacles, impediments, disruptions, interruptions, and such like. If they are there, the afflicted person can try all means to overcome them. He can still put up a fight or try - whether win or lose.
    But in the case of Sankatam, the afflicted person just cannot move in any way in any direction because of severe mental distress and the bodily fatigue that accompanies together with depression, insomnia, inactivity, panic syndrome, fear, mental exhaustion, tension, stress and such like.
    Vinayakar in the form of Sankatahara Ganapathi/Sankata Naasana Ganapathi will make a person overcome the sankatam. That is why He is called Sankatahara Ganapathi. 'Hara' is dispelling something. SankataHara dispells Sankatam.
    There are Viradhams for the observance of monthly Sankatahara Chathurthi.
    The month of Maasi is the 11th Solar month of the Hindu Solar year. The Sankatahara Chathurthi which falls in the month of Maasi is special.
If it falls on a Tuesday, it is extra-ordinarily special and auspicious. It is known as Maha Sankatahara Chathurthi.
    When we think of Sankatam, Gary Cooper in the movie High Noon comes to the mind. Gary Cooper depicts the Sankatam extremely well.
    In my website - VISVACOMPLEX.COM, you can read up about Sankatahara Chathurthi, Sankatanaasana Gnapathi and His worship -

Sankatanaasana Ganapathi Dvaadhasa NaamaavaLi

Om Sri Vakra Thuntaaya namah
Om Sri Eka Dhanthaaya namah
Om Sri KrushNa Pinkakshaaya namah
Om Sri Gaja Vakthraaya namah
Om Sri LambhOdharaaya namah
Om Sri Vikataaya namah
Om Sri Vigna Raajaaya namah
Om Sri Dhuumra VarNaaya namah
Om Sri Paala Chandhraaya namah
Om Sri Vinayakaaya namah
Om Sri GaNapathayE namah
Om Sri Gajaananaaya namah

Om Sri Shankashta Naasana GaNapathayE namO namah
Om Sri Siddhi Buddhi Vallabhaa SamEdha SriShakthi GanapathayE namO namah


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